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“A Beautiful Story of Mindfulness.

I am not a cat person, more a dog person BUT when I first glanced at The Mindful Cat, I couldn’t resist. Such a QUALITY book and the Front Cover is one that your itching to open more of the book and start reading, and I wasn’t disappointed! So cat like in appeal to the expressions and ways of a cat, and the calming effect that cats have when they are content and mellow blends well with the subject of Mindfulness and relaxing after ordeals and worry.

This book is so darn sweet, and I can’t wait to share this story with Miss 7. She is a beaut age to learn mindfulness. Gosh I wish we had books like these when I was at that age!!!”


“This fabulous book just arrived and the timing is perfect! A Mindful Cat written by Amy K. Cheung and illustrated by Paula Assadourian.

This spunky cat shows us that things don’t always go our way and that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by our emotions. When we take deep breaths and let our worries go, like Mindful Cat, we can take control and quiet our minds. Thank you so much to Amy & Paula for sending this book along. I can’t wait to try it with all my little kitties.”


“We've had a lot of big emotions here lately. In the past year Big Kid has gotten a new sister, started pre-school, been put under lockdown because of Covid-19, started distance learning, and she's only 3. That's enough to make anyone emotional!

Overall, she's been handling everything like a champ, but there are times each day, when big emotions creep in. We've been careful to teach her that all emotions are ok, and should be expressed, but it is not always ok to act on those emotions - i.e. hitting, screaming in the house, pushing her sister. Mindful Cat by Amy K. Cheung & Paula Assadourian is a great book to help her learn to identify, and take control of those emotions. It's actually a good message for anyone!

The Story: As Mindful Cat goes about her day, she finds that "sometimes things don't go your way". She finds she gets scared, weary, sad, or mad. As a mindful cat, she takes a big breath in and lets everything out with a meowww before she chooses how to act on her emotions. She also tries to listen to the present moment in time.

This is a beautiful, playful way to teach children how to be mindful of their emotions and be present in the moment. We have read it multiple times at bedtime, taking nice deep breaths to get ready for sleep. The illustrations are soft, expressive, and perfectly complement the book's message. Big Kid said "I like the way it makes me feel". Little Kid (1 year old) looked through the book multiple times screaming "cat!" every time she saw the cat. The darling end pages blew her mind.”

Click here to order this beautiful book.
